Items Dr. Riffel Uses in Her Presentations

Items Used in Presentations

When Dr. Riffel gives presentations, she often brings them to show and tell, and when people want to know where they can purchase the items, she shows them. We have been asked numerous times to put them all in one place, so we have done that here. We use associate links, so the links do not change.

Air-filled Disks

These are yoga disks that we use to provide flexible seating for students who need to move while working. associate link

Fidget Tools

Non-skid bathtub appliques can be put under the desk or table area. If the student is right-handed- put it on the left side. associate link

Durable Fidget Tools

I have ADHD, and I'm hard on things I use when listening. These are the fidget tools I use because a squeeze ball for me would be destroyed quickly. associate link

I also use these: associate link

Artificial Grass Bathmat

Everyone also likes the Meadow Grass Bathmat

I cut it up into two-inch squares and pass out to students. It has suctions on one side and a soft grass-like texture on the other side. They hold it in their hand and fidget with it. They are washable.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) Toolbox for Children or Adolescents: Over 200 duplicatable worksheets:

Whenever I pass this around during a seminar, people take pictures of the front of the book so they can order it. associate link


This timer does not tick, and you can turn the "sound" alarm on or off. It shows time disappearing for those students who are blind to time. They come in many different sizes; the one I've linked to is a 12-inch square because you can see it anywhere in the room sitting on the whiteboard tray. I use it with my grandchildren because their concept of time differs from mine, and they can look up and see how much time is left. associate link

Cube Timer

I use this timer in my presentations to let me know when breaks are finished. You just turn it on and then turn it to the time you want, and it will go off. To turn it off, you just turn it over. People always want to know where I found it. associate link

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