Books from Corwin

Positive Behavior Support at the Tertiary Level

Help students move from the "red zone" to the success zone!

How would you respond to a student who frequently has emotional meltdowns, hits other students, or uses unacceptable language? These and other extremely challenging behaviors are identified as tertiary level or "red zone" by the Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) model. Laura A. Riffel describes in teacher-friendly terms how to use this model to create an intervention plan to modify disruptive behavior. Research-based and easy-to-use methods for general and special educators, administrators, and counselors include:

  • A data-driven approach to solving problems
  • Techniques and strategies for collecting and analyzing data
  • Methods for teaching replacement behavior
  • Examples that show how to modify consequences

Positive Behavior Support at the Tertiary Level helps teachers develop a better understanding of their impact on students' behavior and empowers them to make positive changes. Included are success stories, analysis forms, charts, and templates that show teachers how to "mine the data for gold," create crisis plans, and steer students toward positive behaviors.

"Dr. Riffel's materials are so practical that even new teachers can conduct a functional behavior assessment and implement a meaningful plan with ease."
—Michelle Doty, Assistant Professor
Lewis-Clark State College, ID

"This book provides teachers with a road map to success."
—Karen Barineau, Autism Specialist
DeKalb County Schools, Stone Mountain, GA - Order Here

Positive Behavior Support at the Secondary (Targeted Group Level- by Laura A. Riffel and Melinda Mitchiner

Research on positive behavior support has focused largely on tier one, school-wide disciplinary policies, and tier three interventions tailored to highly problematic students. This leaves a gap in the middle. “Yellow zone”, or tier two, interventions are an extremely effective way to address many challenging behavior and disciplinary issues in small group settings. 

Positive Behavior Support at the Secondary “Targeted Group” Level shows teachers how to identify the students who can benefit from tier two interventions and demonstrates how to create an implementation plan that delivers results. Focusing on proactive strategies rather than reactive solutions, Riffel and Mitchiner’s research-based techniques include: 

  • General strategies that can be applied at the individual student level, such as self-management, proximity control, and the Premack principle and peer mentoring 
  • Comprehensive action plans that anticipate the full range of disruptions that may occur
  • A useful behavior rating sheet proven effective in improving student behavior
  • “Funk Sway” For The Classroom: Using Feng Shui principles to create a classroom environment that enhances productivity, learning, and creativity

Apply the techniques in this book to reduce challenging behavior, improve school climate, and improve outcomes for ALL students.

“This book is easy to read, understand, and implement in any classroom or school. Teachers will be drawn to the resources that can be copied and used immediately! I can’t wait to apply some of these practices in my classroom!”
Rachel Spenner, Sixth Grade Teacher
Westridge Elementary School

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