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Time: 7 Hours

Intended Audience: Pre-K through 12th grade general and special education teachers.

Short Description:

·      Dr. Riffel and her husband lived with a friend who had autism, bipolar condition, intellectual disabilities, obsessive compulsive disorder, and mild cerebral palsy. He taught them through a decade of living together what it took to build a dignified life. She will share what he taught them. 

·      Dr. Riffel will also share success stories of children who were temporarily in her day clinic with severe behaviors and how through remediation they were able to be educated with the moderate students in the school (despite being labeled as having an IQ less than 50). The students have now graduated and are participating members in a dignified life with jobs, leisure activities, friends, and a positive living arrangement.

Long Description:

·      For years, Dr. Riffel taught students with autism, trained educators how to work with students with autism, and ran a day clinic for students with autism with severe behaviors. She and her family had the opportunity to live with an adult with autism as his friend and this is where she learned the most information. She learned how to view the world from the brain of someone with autism and despite limited communication skills she was able to determine what was causing meltdowns and how to proactively divert those tantrums. She will share techniques she learned through the years with you in this seminar.

·      She will first describe what a dignified life consists of and how that should be our goal even when the student is in kindergarten. She will share ideas for:

o  Sensory integration issues

§ Auditory

§ Tactile

§ Visual

o  Potty training

§ Many students are in high school and still not potty trained- she will share how she potty trained a 16-year-old in two weeks

o  Video modeling, video self-modeling, and PowerPoint relationship narratives

§ For teaching appropriate behaviors

§ For introducing changes in the environment

o  How to help a non-verbal child communicate with a verbal peer

o  How to teach self-regulation to a student with limited abilities

o  How to help family members have a dignified life as well

·      Dr. Riffel will also share what Autism is like by sharing excerpts from learners with autism. Seeing the world as they see it is important to helping them navigate the world.