Example Curriculum

  Building and Maintaining Relationships With Students When you Have Limited Time with Each One
Available in days
days after you enroll

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Time: Four Hours

Intended Audience: Nurses, Bus Drivers, Cafeteria Staff, Administrative Staff, and Specials Teachers at the Elementary Level

Short Description:

·      One of the frequent complaints of staff members who have a short time for interactions with students is that they have little time to build relationships with the students. Dr. Riffel will share ideas that can be used in unique settings:

o Music, PE, Art, Dance

o Bus Drivers

o Cafeteria

o Ways for Nurses, Psychologists, Social Workers, and Administrative Staff to build in the time to make connections with students.

 Dr. Riffel will share easy-to-implement ideas she has used with schools worldwide to help with these issues. This has been through informal assessment and brainstorming with the school staff members.

Long Description:

·      Dr. Riffel has trained elementary staff members at the Universal Level worldwide since 1999. In informal discussions, numerous staff members remarked on the difficulty of building relationships when you only had a 30-minute or less chance to interact and had zero time for one-on-one interactions. The staff felt that if they could build better relationships with the students, they would have fewer disruptions in their supervised areas.

·      Through trial and error, we developed some easy-to-implement strategies for the ancillary staff to build positive relationships with students in 3 minutes or less daily. She will share the ideas used by bus drivers, cafeteria staff, and special class teachers and ideas for psychologists, social workers, nurses, and administrative staff to build positive relationships with students. Dr. Riffel will share her “Each One Save Five” story and how that was used in many of her schools. She will share ideas and pictures staff used to change behavior in the cafeteria and special classes.