Alphabet Soup

8-hour presentation

Audience: Second-Fifth Grade Staff

Short Description:

             This presentation will focus on the variety of behaviors that show up in the classroom when teaching 7-11-year-old students. The curriculum demands of second through fifth grade require students to engage in less movement. Many of the students have behaviors that are disruptive to the learning of the class. This presentation will go through behavior by behavior and show real life student behaviors and the interventions that ameliorated those behaviors.

Long Description:

             This presentation will take participants through a plethora of behaviors reported by second through fifth grade teachers as disruptive to the learning environment. Participants will learn the triggers for these behaviors and ways to proactively revise the environment to set the students up for success. Participants will learn replacement behavior strategies for the behaviors and simple ways to infuse those into the curriculum. Finally, participants will learn how to reframe their own response, so they are feeding the replacement behavior and extinguishing the targeted behavior.

             Dr. Riffel will share scenarios from real classrooms she has worked with in the past and the interventions that worked to dissipate the behaviors. Her strategies are proactive and easy to implement the next day. Participants will find solutions for the behaviors they find troublesome in the classroom.

             We will focus on the functions of behavior such as trying to gain attention, gain access to preferred activities or items, gain access to sensory input, escape work, escape attention, escape sensory overload, and behaviors occur due to emotional or physical pain. Using numerous examples, participants will learn a variety of strategies that worked with similar triggers, targets, and impacts.


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